Aaron McGhee is 42 years old and celebrated 11 years as a Tulsa Fireman on July 1. He has been apart of Fit First Responders since April.

Aaron’s favorite thing about FFR is that he knows that if he starts losing track that there will be someone there to pick him up. He says, “You know that the person next to you is hurting just as bad as you are, so it makes you keep pushing and that in turn makes them keep pushing. The coaches are great.” He says at first it was hard getting used to all the “rah, rah”, but he now really enjoys it. The coaches know how to keep you motivated.

The results that Aaron’s is seeing now are very encouraging to him. He started the program at 253 pounds and is now at 236. He hasn’t been that weight in at least ten years and provably even longer. He is fitting into clothes that have not been put on for a long time, and he needs to go get new bunker gear because his are too big!

When asked what keeps him coming back to FFR, Aaron responds, “Everything…the coaches, the people, the workouts (except for the sled drag). I miss being there on the days that I have to work.”

Aaron has seen a lot of the people he works out with getting slimmer and stronger. He says, “It’s cool to see them after a week or so, and you can definitely notice the changes that they are making. As for me, I can definitely tell I’m getting stronger.” FFR has made Aaron happier about himself, and he is better shape than he has been in a long time. He is more confident about his abilities at work.

Aaron says he is eating better than ever and is sleeping really well at night. Even on the days he is really sore from a hard workout, he says he still feels better than if he was just sitting on the couch doing nothing.

Aarons advice to starting FFR is, “Like Nike says..’Just Do It!’. If you think that you don’t have the time, there are multiple times to come workout. You can make any excuse you want to not to go workout…..You just need to find an excuse TO GO workout! Plus if you win, they give you a truck!”

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