Stewart Andrew is 29 years old and and is an EMSA Paramedic and Tulsa Fire Fighter.

Stewart’s favorite aspect of Fit First Responders is the life long friendships he has built with first responders for the different services.

As one of the top finalist in the 25 Week Challenge, Stewart had amazing physical results. He lost 22.7 pounds, 12.1% body fat, 26.2 body fat mass (or pounds of fat), and 16.5 inches. He gained lean muscle mass, increased endurance, increased flexibility, and dropped four pant sizes…plus got abs!!!

Stewart says, “The changes that I made as a result of FFR are now habits and my whole family is healthier. My kids ask for water instead of juice. My wife and I communicate better. Yes we still struggle at times, but overall we work better as a team now.”

Stewart’s strength at work was tested this week when they transported a patient home from the hospital with a complaint of weakness. The patient was unable to step up into his house. Stewart was able to get him all the way into his house and into his bed by himself. The patient weighted 260 pounds and was not able to help much. Stewarts says, “The exercises we do in FFR translate very well to our jobs, and I realize this every time my strength and endurance is tested. I am far from perfect, but I do a much better job of taking care of important things that I used to neglect.”

It has been 12 weeks since the 25 week Challenge concluded, and Stewart continues to work out at least 4 – 5 times a week. He continues to encourage first responders to join FFR. He adds, “As a result of my success, I have personally been able to encourage over 30 EMSA medics to join FFR!”

Stewarts concludes, “I plan to continue to do what I have already been doing. I would encourage anyone reading this who is on the fence about FFR to join. It has been the best decision I have made in a long time. I have no regrets.”

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