In the FIT FIRST RESPONDER Book – CHAPTER 8,  Coach JC inspires and motivates you to OWN THE MOMENT. Here at Fit First Responders we CHALLENGE you to OWN EVERY MOMENT of your LIFE! By OWNING THE MOMENT you are taking FULL OWNERSHIP of the present and living in the NOW, not the past nor the future! YOU ARE PRESENT when you’re on duty, YOU ARE PRESENT at home with your spouse, YOU ARE PRESENT with your kids, YOU ARE PRESENT in your workouts, YOU ARE PRESENT in your personal development time, YOU ARE PRESENT NOW!

ACTION STEP: Today for you to be FIT FOR LIFE, you will develop the discipline and enthusiasm to be YOUR BEST!

Ask Yourself:

  • What knowledge do I need to be my BEST physically, mentally, emotionally, in my relationships, professionally, and financially?
  • As I look back, what thing have I missed out on because I wasn’t living in the moment?
  • In what areas of my life WILL I COMMIT to in order to OWN THE MOMENT?